Student, Nicole P., won 1st Place in Grade Group 9-12 in the 2023 Trees Atlanta annual Arbor Day Art Contest with this piece, called *Symbiosis!* The 2023 theme was: “Healthy Trees, Healthy Me!” Nicole's piece won her a monetary prize for her beautiful art! You can see her beautiful piece here:

Nicole also won the 2024 National Youth Advocacy and Resilience NYArt Contest with this piece!! She won $250!

- Nicole very recently participated in the 2023 Congressional Art Competition with this same piece, sponsored by Congressman Henry "Hank" Johnson (Georgia's 4th Congressional District)! The theme was "Artistic Discovery":
Nicole's work was featured In Congressman Hank Johnson's 2023 Art Submissions Reel here:!

- Nicole was also selected to participate in the 2023 Governor's Honors Program in Visual Art!

- Nicole was also the Overall winner for High School for the 2023 Georgia Day Statewide Student Art Contest for another piece, hosted by the Georgia Historical Society! Her piece can be seen at The Georgia History Festival Blog:!

- Nicole won Honorable Mention with another piece in the State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia 2023 Art of Connection Exhibition of Student Art (Theme was “How I Connect to the World”)!

Price $0.00